1290x1290 34KB      
From @ourzora to @zora.

Conceptually minded, we can view this as an expression of the protocol's steadfast pursuit of bridging the gap - at units of exponential magnitude.

The gap being _ ownership level web tech merging with the new class of internet native entrepreneurs & independent creatives.

Significant insights may be found in:
- earliest version of the protocol
- branding figma video on making the zorb
- differences in consumer ux pre v post their L2
- protocol rewards launch
- imagination studio's zora profile
- @jacob's zora profile
- zora zine experiment
- kidsuper video mint
- their mobile app

Zora should go down as one of the most influential projects in crypto, and if truly successful - the internet more broadly.
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📶 7 comments • 118,888 est. $enjoy tips
connect wallet
3434 $ enjoy
minted this on our @zora
YES❣️7777 $enjoy 777 $imagine
We'll always have Zora
111111 $Enjoy
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