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i am a very internet person and while everyone is in their walled gardens praying please please please to the algorithm to bless their starving souls with a single morsel of predigested content, i am out in the wild web looking under rocks that haven't been disturbed since the beginning of time and finding a silly little family of bugs living under that shit. they're so relaxed like they don't even care about the algorithm! can u believe it? oh that pile of sticks arranged to spell out ily over there? yes i made that and absolutely nobody could stop me !!!
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📶 22 comments • 2,196,568 est. $enjoy tips
connect wallet
222222 $Enjoy

77777 $enjoy 
1111 $enjoy
very potato
20000 $Enjoy
17171 $Enjoy
420 $enjoy
500000 $enjoy
20000 $ENJOY
I've respawned.

137731 $enjoy
177,265 $enjoy
319812 $ENJOY
168,060 $enjoy
500000 $enjoy
22222 $Enjoy
Will be back at reset ily
will be back later to enjoy!
7777 $ENJOY
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