Study in Coordinated Value

The ultimate goal of communication is to form a system of interactions that is convergent upon the truly core and essential structure of reality.

In other words though communication strives for clarity, efficiency, meaning, relationships, etc. these are actually only means to the end - the end is to live within the core structures of reality.

In other words the goal of communication is to orient oneself to the perfection of reality.

But the perfection of reality is self-evidently not available to us in this lifetime.

Because it is clear that human nature is wounded and unable to understand real perfections with full clarity of mind.
Otherwise he would have already achieved such.

Thus what is better known to us, as humans, is our wounded nature.

But what is better known to us by our own essential nature, is the transcendence or the healing of the wound.

Thus the final intention, or the formal object of communication, is the healing of the wound of human nature, by infusion of grace.

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