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Bungalows are a house construction style that originated in India but prior to its present term, it was first called with different names hundred years before. It was referred by an Englishman in 1659 as “Bunguloues,” meaning temporary and easy to set up shelter. Other terms like “bangla,” “bungales,” and “banggolos” were found before the English “bungalow” term was updated in 1820.

As per the description by the English in India, houses built are long, low buildings with wide verandas and drooping attics. The roofing before was thatch and was changed into fireproof tile later on, secured with an insulating air space to prevent tropical heat.

It was then in 1870 when the builders of fresh and trendy English seacoast vacation houses already called them as “bungalows” were finishing them with a basic and rough yet glam look.

The year 1880 came and gave rise to bungalows in America, which populated the land specifically in New England. Moreover, the great break for this architectural style was in Southern California, which made it the most renowned in the American house style’s history.
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