2000 $enjoy ^^
1000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 두번째 댕겨갑니다아- 맞민 플리즈 :) 240425
1000 $enjoy 50 $imagine 너무 이쁜 그림이네욤 ㅎㅎ
1000 $enjoy $higher 50 $imagine 너무 아름다워요❤️ 0419 Minted:)
1000 $enjoy $higher 50 $imagine
1000 $enjoy $higher 감사합니다 이매진으로 곧 뵙겠습니다 ^_^/ 아름다운 명화~!!
Fabric posters containing this work have long decorated one wall with interior accessories from my house and office.
The appearance of people enjoying their daily lives always gave me joy and strength and helped me not to be shaken by bad feelings. 🙏🏻
Loose brush strokes, warm colors, and sensuous shapes are always beautiful. 😌
2000 $enjoy ^^
24/4/29 맞민부탁드립니다 :) 2
민트하고 갑니다! 0426
1000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 두번째 댕겨갑니다아- 맞민 플리즈 :) 240425
맞민 왓어요^^ 4.22
4/21 다녀갑니다 그림 좋아요~~
너무 멋진 작품 4/21
1000 $enjoy
동문님 반갑습니다! 24. 4. 20.
1000 $enjoy $higher
(4/19) 50 $imagine 1000 $enjoy $higher 💕
1000 $enjoy $higher 감사합니다 이매진으로 곧 뵙겠습니다 ^_^/ 아름다운 명화~!!