Animation created in homage to "The Green Dancer" by Edgar Degas, an original work from the collection of the Thyssen-Bornemitza Museum (Madrid).
The animation with sound was presented together with the original painting (The green dancer by Degas) on the day of the awards ceremony of the VersionaThyssen contest.
Competition in which I was invited to participate as a jury and also to make my own tribute to a work from the collection.
permanent connection
Rare found footage
Thirty one days ⚙
l0v3 th!s
Lovely head
Heavy breath ༄
Meanwhile in the sky of colors
erotic circus 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋
50000 $enjoy
(᨟ ͜● ᨟)
More kisses ❤︎
Thanks for the pills
20000 $Enjoy
Unexpected effects ☣
Swing Nocturno
This is me and my mirrors ✶✶✶
Life and death and life 𓇢𓆸
Barbaridad song (ストローブ) ᯓ🎧⋆
Apariciones ꩜
Trance (En la aldea electrónica) 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
Smooth ride • (Road Movie) ▶• ılıılıılılııc
Come to me, bunny bunny bunny ⋆૮ ^ﻌ^ა⋆
( •.•)
Bichi Swing ✦
10000 $Enjoy
fast lullabies ༺*ੈ₊
fast lullabies ༺*ੈ₊ (00:13) 20 Ed.
I'm always transforming myself, dreaming ོ
a cursed painting in cursed motion ⋆༺☠︎︎
without definitive form •⌄•
Everything is cyclical ♾️.♾️
Animation 2D by @juanrlag
"The green dancer" (Tribute version of Edgar Deagas' piece)
The animation with sound was presented together with the original painting (The green dancer by Degas) on the day of the awards ceremony of the VersionaThyssen contest.
Competition in which I was invited to participate as a jury and also to make my own tribute to a work from the collection.
Animation 2D and Sound design by @juanrlag
roña digital 〰
soft song ଘ´•´ଘ
PUT IT ON REPEAT 77777 $enjoy
totem y tabú ·༺
strange flowers 𓇢𓆸
trippy sunset ..◜ᴗ◝..
Animation, music and drugs by juanrlag.
go back and forth :¨·.·`·..·‘
short-flying creatures