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Survival at the cost of your soul & at a detriment to others is how non sentient operate. I empathize with the ones who joined when the mission was pure in intentions. It likely hasn't been easy on their spirits navigating through all of this.

Zora had one of hell of mission statement when it started, I'm sure it moved the people who would apply to be a part of the team as deeply as it moved and convinced the Artists who read it that this was going to be something special.

It feels unreal reading that mission statement today knowing the platform became everything it stood against. The level of greed it must take to pull off being the one who is calling the shots, willfully knowing they not only abandoned their entire community & struck a massive, if not a final death blow to already used and abused artists in their ability to trust in this world. That's already unredeemable if it ended at that, but to double down and now try to sell false hope to new users by preying on the hit to everyone self worth on social media in this post algorithm world is some super villain behavior. There is no honest justification one can tell themselves or others to frame it otherwise. Survival? is the team that large? are there no other career choices out there? Is Zora surviving at the cost of disrupting so many souls worth it? Devalued art, devalued artists, devalued trust, devalued blockchain all for what? A platform of insider memes glazing the platform. IMAGINE, just for one second, that every social platform you went on was just everyone posting cult images of that platforms logo.... How out of touch do you have to be to pull off what we have all just witnessed. Is survival really worth the ripples that survival has sent out to world. I truly feel bad for everyone involved not calling the shots. You signed up for noble mission and now have to move forward in life with the truth of how the company you also believed in chose to survive by becoming the pale trojan horse.

I'm being sincere. I wish i wasn't, it's exhausting. Maybe next life I'll be born with the ability to turn off compassion and empathy for others for my own survival. A life without honest artistic expression where I can too meme carefree.


with love always,

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o go make your self loneyly
dear zora
This video was a direct response to @jacob on his tweet about "discovery"...
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