In a post-apocalyptic world plunged into darkness, humanity’s survivors bear glowing scars that reflect their inner struggles and strengths. Kaito, a young warrior, discovers he holds a fragment of the mythical “Heart of Light,” capable of restoring the lost sun. Battling his own doubts and the dangers of the ruined world, Kaito’s scars shine brighter with every act of courage. As he reaches the final city, he must decide: use the light to heal himself or reignite the world for everyone.
Hidden deep in the mountains lies the Moon Garden, a place of luminous plants that bloom only under the light of a full moon. Haruto, a young alchemist, seeks the garden’s magical flora to revive his fallen village. However, he meets Aya, the enigmatic guardian of the garden, who challenges his intentions. Together, they discover the true power of the Moon Garden—not to rewrite the past, but to create a brighter future.
In a world of floating islands and glowing constellations, Akira, a brave young girl, hears the hauntingly beautiful melody of the Star Whale—a mythical creature said to grant wishes to those who find it. Guided by the song, she embarks on a daring journey aboard her flying ship, uncovering ancient secrets about her world and herself. As she draws closer to the Star Whale, she discovers that the creature is calling her for a reason far beyond her wildest dreams.
Light Through the Scars
Alchemy of the Moon Garden
Song of the Star Whale