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first of all im really happy to say that is my genesis on ETH chain, no words to thank you all. This is a sculpture/installation/diorama sculpted and painted in virtual reality using SculptrVR game and post edited and rendered in Paint3D Zfighting glitch for immersive visualization within virtual reality and free download of the file click on this link: skfb.ly/oIZsA "quando nasci aprendi que todos tem uma estrela dançante dentro de si. então aprendi a meditar, então aprendi o conceito de nao se pensar em nada, então aprendi a ser essa estrela dançante, solta no meio do vazio sendo o nada e o tudo absoluto, então aprendi que ser essa estrela amorfa que compreende todo o universo não fere meu ego, e que eu ainda posso ser eu mesmo depois de experienciar a ausencia do ego. então aprendi muitas outras coisas e experimentei muitas outras coisas, então aprendi que a vida é curta e rapida e que o tempo eh sagrado então eu aprendi a otimizar minhas meditações em horarios que se encaixem em rituais do cotidiano como escovar os dentes ou tomar banho, logo tomar banho se tornou meu "ritual de banimento favorito", então aprendi a sumir na agua, mergulhar no oceano profundo do vazio universal e voltar pra realidade e respirar tranquilo. então cresci e tive uma vida emocionante e cheia de desafios, então aprendi que muita coisa muda, muita coisa aconteceu, então aprendi que a gente muda... então adoeci, entao tive que aprender quase tudo de novo e reperceber muitas outras coisas então aprendi a tomar banho de novo então me vi estatico e desligado no banho, absorto de mim mesmo e desconectado do meu ego, e eu tive medo, mas lembrei que eu conhecia esse lugar, foi quando meus olhos brilharam e a agua começou a levitar. então aprendi que as vezes a gente pode achar que esquece como a "agua" é mãe, mas a "agua" nunca esquece que somos filhos dela. então aprendi que nada do que eu aprendi ao longo da minha vida foi em vão. então aprendi a deixar a janela aberta pro vento passar e a luz entrar então aprendi que eh sagrado me permitir deixar de ser eu mesmo por algums momentos, pq assim eu posso ser deus." When I was born I learned that everyone has a dancing star inside them. so I learned to meditate, so I learned the concept of not thinking about anything, so I learned to be this dancing star, loose in the middle of the void being nothing and absolute everything, so I learned that being this amorphous star that comprises the entire universe doesn't hurt my ego, and that I can still be myself after experiencing egolessness. so I learned many other things and experienced many other things, so i learned that life is short and fast and that time is sacred so i learned to optimize my meditations at times that fit in with everyday rituals like brushing my teeth or showering, soon showering became my "favorite banishing ritual" ", So I learned to disappear into the water, dive into the deep ocean of universal emptiness and come back to reality and breathe peacefully. so I grew up and had an exciting and challenging life, so I learned that a lot changes, a lot has happened, So I learned that people change... then I got sick, so I had to learn almost everything again and realize many other things so I learned to shower again then I found myself static and disconnected in the shower, absorbed in myself and disconnected from my ego, and I was afraid, but I remembered that I knew this place, that's when my eyes lit up and the water started to levitate. So I learned that sometimes we may think we forget how "water" is a mother, but "water" never forgets that we are her children. so I learned that nothing I learned throughout my life was in vain. so I learned to leave the window open for the wind to pass and the light to enter So I learned that it's sacred to allow myself to stop being myself for a few moments, because then I can be God. ... this work has a strong inspiration and reference in the concept of the Japanese word "Ma" 間 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ma (間, lit. 'gap, space, pause') is a Japanese reading of a Sino-Japanese character, which is often used to refer to what is claimed to be a specific Japanese concept of negative space In modern interpretations of traditional Japanese arts and culture, ma is taken to refer to an artistic interpretation of an empty space, often holding as much importance as the rest of an artwork and focusing the viewer on the intention of negative space in an art piece. The concept of space as a positive entity is opposed to the absence of such a principle in a correlated 'Japanese' notion of space. Though commonly used to refer to literal, visible negative space, ma may also refer to the perception of a space, gap or interval, without necessarily requiring a physical compositional element. This results in the concept of ma being less reliant on the existence of a gap, and more closely related to the perception of a gap.[5] The existence of ma in an artwork has been interpreted as "an emptiness full of possibilities, like a promise yet to be fulfilled", and has been described as "the silence between the notes which make the music".[6] I.H. 2023
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