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it's all i've got

I created a Kaiber.ai video to feature a clip of my track "All I've Got (in LA)", the first single from my upcoming album Stylite. "it's all i've got" is one of the lines from the song, and it just encapsulates my essence as a musician, a creative, a child of God, and a human being. Situations, circumstances, people, places and things may demand more, better, newer, faster, different - but I have to live the truth of who I am - it's all i've got.
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connect wallet
woahhh this is so coo! love the description too :3
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starting out

Starting out...I had no idea what kind of "musician" I was supposed to be - my only relationship with music before was playing classical piano and singing in choirs. I was told what to play, what to sing, and how to perform. So I felt lost when it came to my own version of music, and PRESSURED to be...something. I knew I liked to play around with Apple loops on my midi keyboard, I had just graduated from Garage Band to Logic, so I started writing/producing synth tracks. This track is an unreleased demo I wrote 10 years ago called Space Invaders, built around an Apple loop.
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connect wallet
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L.Ariel Analogue issue 001

This is my very first issue of L.Ariel Analogue, a monthly magazine I just created as a nostalgic tribute to the print fashion mags I used to obsess over in the 80's (as well as a convenient and delusional way to pretend I'm a fashion model.) My vision was to make a static, “analog” product, one that can be picked up, put down, flipped through, and skipped around. Basically, a virtual throw back to how we consumed information, culture, news, stories and art in the "Before."
I'm super excited to share this first issue as an NFT in my starter pack! It's a dream come true to combine my two loves, the 80s and web3, in one lil' online 'zine. Feel free to download, or just grab a beverage and flip through! xoxo
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yessss love it
OMG you put so much love into this 💚
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0:50 1920x1080 121MB View on Zora

LAriel home movie

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