2290x2274 28 colors 116KB      

Here to Yap

HAH - you think I care about any of that stuff? Emissions, what - like from a car? I'm here to chit and if time permits - chat. I was a born yapper, and I'm about to sling tongue in this space.
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📶 1 comment
Gee this nft is swell!
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2888x2954 256KB      

Start Looking at *community* college

Hey kiddo - we're gonna have to lower your expectations just a bit. How good were your grades anyways?

Well, they told me for sure $DonkNugget was going to the moon - totally safe bet on a rocket. My telegram group is all rekt, young lady - well, except the host of the channel. Hmm.
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📶 2 comments • 160,000 est. $enjoy tips
150000 $enjoy
10000 $enjoy
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2426x2498 28 colors 132KB      

It's called Farcards.

LOL - okay boomer. Bitclout didn't work because it was old - this one is new and it's totally different. I bought 4 Coopahtroopas that I plan to pass on to my kids.
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📶 3 comments • 11,000 est. $enjoy tips
Perfect style Sgt!
10000 $ENJOY
1000 $ENJOY
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2892x2486 10 colors 153KB      


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📶 2 comments • 177,777 est. $enjoy tips
66666 $Enjoy
111111 $enjoy ;) hodl
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1262x1107 10 colors 44KB      


Says here you don't even have a wallet - are you sure you're holding one of these collections?

Yeah, it's from the snapshot. Christ, I'm not tech support.
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📶 5 comments • 127,611 est. $enjoy tips
1234 $ENJOY
"is there maybe a manager around I can speak with?"
1000 $ENJOY
51,377 $ENJOY
5000 $enjoy
69000 $enjoy
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2324x2032 72KB      

Oh - Goddamit!

What a bunch of fickle - yes, dear the chicken flavored - what a bunch of paper handed - no we're not skipping soccer practice.

Tell your sister to start thinking about trade school instead.
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📶 2 comments • 1,500 est. $enjoy tips
1000 $ENJOY
500 $Enjoy
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1946x1918 15 colors 125KB      

Great job, honey

Your wife is proud of your crypto trades!
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📶 2 comments • 1,000 est. $enjoy tips
1000 $enjoy
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1600x1600 9 colors 110KB      

I Told You

I told you that shit would go back up! Yeah, I mean no I still kinda emptied out my savings but I was right bro, admit it. Admit it bro. Shut up.
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📶 2 comments • 200,000 est. $enjoy tips
Hilarious 🤣
100000 $Enjoy
I was told
100000 $Enjoy
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