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The first song in this artifact came to me in a dream. In 2019, I was falling asleep one night & while I was in that in-between dream state, the melody & lyrics of this song came to me in my Native language, Russian. I believe that my ancestors whispered it in my ear. It’s about my journey to self love. I finally found a deep self love in 2017-2018 & my whole life changed after that.

The second song in this artifact came to me in a ceremony. In 2017, the most challenging year of my life, I finally faced & broke through a lot of my traumas & limiting beliefs, and found my voice again! This was the first time that I ever channeled a song. It felt like it came from my ancient soul. It was a remembering.

It’s a prayer of gratitude to the sky, God & the universe, all the light beings, star beings & angels for guiding us & protecting us. As well as gratitude to our Mother Earth, the land & this beautiful planet that we’re on for holding us so lovingly. Filmed a year ago on my birthday, September 13th 2022, at our home in Miami.
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