1024x1024 519KB      

Orion, the Celestial Sage

Orion, the Celestial Sage, descends from the ancient wisdom of the Cosmic Mountains. With wise and knowing rainbow eyes and a glowing astral orb in his staff, he embodies the knowledge of the ages. Adorned in a long white beard and a flowing cloak of starry night skies, Orion wields the Sceptre of the Ancients, a powerful symbol of his vast experience and understanding. His venerable presence radiates wisdom and guidance, as he uses his extraordinary insight to navigate the complexities of the universe and offer counsel to those seeking truth.
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📶 5 comments • 41,877 est. $enjoy tips
connect wallet
3550 $ENJOY
25250 $Enjoy
77 $enjoy
3000 $ENJOY
Love it !! 10000 $enjoy
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1024x1024 541KB      

Astra, the Stellar Sorceress

Astra, the Stellar Sorceress, emerges from the radiant auroras of the Astral Sky. With mesmerizing rainbow eyes and a glowing cosmic crystal in her crown, she personifies the magic of the stars. Clad in a shimmering cloak of stardust and moonbeams, Astra commands the Celestial Staff, a powerful tool of sparkling energy. Her enchanting presence exudes wisdom and wonder, as she uses her extraordinary abilities to weave the tapestry of the cosmos and orchestrate the dance of the stars.
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📶 5 comments • 34,899 est. $enjoy tips
connect wallet
26899 $Enjoy
Simple enjoy the mint
2000 $ENJOY
1000 $Enjoy
5000 $enjoy 07/24
11ea 구매 하고 갑니다
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1024x1024 521KB      

Lyra, the Mystic Enchantress

Lyra, the Mystic Enchantress, originates from the enchanted forests of Aetheria. With piercing violet eyes and a glowing blue crystal on her forehead, she channels ancient magical forces. Adorned in an elaborate dark robe, Lyra wields the Zorb, a powerful orb of swirling energy. Her ethereal presence exudes wisdom and strength, as she uses her extraordinary abilities to protect the harmony of the cosmos.
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📶 1 comment • 10,000 est. $enjoy tips
connect wallet
Love your work Emma ! Keep it up 10000 $enjoy
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