"Phoools" dives into an artist's obsession with the simplest of shapes - a few ovals rotated around a circle, universally agreed to be called a flower. As he starts seeing this pattern everywhere, from drain covers to textiles, his perception shifts. The line between observer and observed blurs, reality melts into imagination.
The film, being as abstract as briefs can get, was also shot generatively. We had a shared fascination, aim was to capture the essence of the motif - a shape that had begun to haunt my perception, surfacing in the most unexpected corners of reality.
The film, being as abstract as briefs can get, was also shot generatively. We had a shared fascination, aim was to capture the essence of the motif - a shape that had begun to haunt my perception, surfacing in the most unexpected corners of reality.
Read more about it at: paragraph.xyz/@kyu-mehul/film-1
Director(s) - Aditya Mishra (@adiboivisuals) and @kyu_mehul
Edited by @adiboivisuals
Cinematographer - Jiten Bachate (@jinsenparker)
Camera Operators - Lokesh (@k4camera), Deepesh Baisla (@deepeshart) and @jinsenparker
Production designer(s): @jinsenparker & @kyu_mehul
Colorist - @adiboivisuals
Original Soundtrack - asteroidbelttangoclub.com & Tyler Kiley
Stop Motion Animation and additional shots - @adiboivisuals
VFX - @kyu_mehul
Post Production Manager - Sayantan Maity (@maisayantan1)
Typography - Devang Vats (@devang_vats)
Poster - @deepeshart
Special thanks to Agam Jot Singh (@avoilamusic) and Abhinav KJ (@abhinavkj_)
201070 $ENJOY
5585 $IMAGINE ✧