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This song and video were created simultaneously during a three-month dissociative state caused by severe trauma at the end of 2018. Under the pseudonym 'Diamantina,' I released 'Mujer Caballero,' inspired by female saints, characters from the anime Saint Seiya.

This collage video incorporates imagery from anime, classical movies, and YouTube green screen resources, blending them together and hoping for the best, which, in the end, is what we are all doing in one way or another.

Lyrics in English:

I come from a horror story that doesn't scare me
but it frightens you every time I tell it
what a boring feeling...
Could it be the media’s fault?

I want to be a female saint, but with my face uncovered
with my face uncovered, I go

I return to my deserted neighborhood, walking in the middle
of the dark square, all surrounded by dogs
what a pleasant feeling...
Could it be my lack of fear that helps me achieve what I want?

like a female saint, like an honorable warrior

I want to be a female saint, but with my face uncovered
and let the sun shine down on me.

I want to be a female saint, but with an open heart
with my face uncovered, I go.

Letra en Español:

Vengo de un cuento de terror que no me da miedo
pero a vos te asusta cada vez que yo lo cuento
que aburrido sentimiento…
¿Será culpa de los medios?

Quiero ser una mujer caballero, pero a rostro descubierto
a rostro descubierto voy

Vuelvo a mi barrio desierto caminando al medio
de la plaza oscura, toda rodeada de perros
que agradable sentimiento…
¿Será mi falta de miedo lo que me ayude a alcanzar lo que quiero?
como mujer caballero, como honorable guerrero

Quiero ser una mujer caballero, pero a rostro descubierto
y dejar que me pegue el sol.

Quiero ser una mujer caballero, pero a a corazón abierto
a rostro descubierto voy.
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📶 11 comments • 72,642 est. $enjoy tips
zarpado !!
buenisimo 30000 $enjoy
the traumas must be temporary. hopefully it has already passed <3
OMMGGGG queee awesooome animatioooonnn amoooo q genial amii trippy life 22222 $enjoy
90s anime not dead!! love this piece! 20420 $enjoy
Amo el ritmo del tema, el collage visual y a la bella Marin 💖 Te quiero mujer caballeroo ♫♫♫
Ohhh me encanta! 🔥 $enjoy 38725
Quiero seeer una mujer caballerooo 💜✨ awesome video, and the song is still in my brain. A big hug for you!
Ayyy me re gusto el temita <3 PERO A ROSTRO DESCUBIERTOOOOO
me autopercibo mujer caballero
esto esta genialisimooo , +++videoclips asi mariaan :) q bueno escucharloo
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