I'm writing this with Zora's new Notes feature, directly in zora.co. Already on the TL today I've seen several different people mint shortform text, and it got me thinking once again how critical tools are to creating new forms of behavior.

It was entirely possible to mint HTML text prior to this feature existing (I've been doing it for a few weeks now), but it was more friction - you had to type into a text editor, save as HTML, create/save an image for the thumbnail, and then upload it all here to mint. Now you just type into the box.

Notably, the emergence of this feature doesn't just make it easier for people who were already minting text. It actually drives new people to mint text (or so we can predict, they only launched this today) as well. This means the tool has actually created net new activity, instead of just increasing efficiency for existing people doing that activity.

This is why tools are important. Tools make certain behaviors easier, which makes more people engage in that behavior. More people engaging in a behavior influences our collective direction.
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thank you! next up camera/snapkit vibes straight to onchain ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ
new tools —> change of behavior —> new direction

Seems tailor made for “Screenshot Essays” by @onnnnnnnion.
Ability to add future notes under existing collection did not go unnoticed.
Much will come from this.
👓 🔵
I completely agree. The question then becomes: what tools we should be building next?
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