I'm kind of nervous to reflect on 2023. I didn't meet the goals I set out to, but the year also surpassed my expectations in many ways. Probably one of these essays as we get closer to the end of the month will be a 2023 year in review of some sort. I am excited to think about 2024; I'm entering a period of change in my career and personal life and I feel like I'm ready to lean into it fully.
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Going to share something a high profile artist shared with me recently:

How do you define yourself? I've observed that many of life's challenges often stem from the struggle to define oneself or the inability to do so. Perhaps I may be mistaken, but when I engage in self-definition, I find that I also possess the capacity for deep analysis. This analytical process frequently paves the way for discovering solutions and fostering growth."

The timing and content of my conversation with them changed my life, and I am forever grateful for it.
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