Onchain gaming is somewhat of a hot new trend predicted by the crypto thoughterati. Many predict it will take off this next cycle, especially as L2 proliferation brings fees down and more apps/experiences are enabled by feasibility of microtransactions. I agree with all this.

Why do games need to be onchain? What makes them more appealing than trad/offchain games? We know by revealed preference that it's not the P2E reason of turning play into labor. We also know it's not "you can play as your NFT PFP" or "you can take an item you own from one game into another game".

I believe it's because onchain games are fundamentally new asset classes. Asset classes, like all business and media properties, compete in the attention economy. Onchain games leverage mechanism design and storytelling to attract people to their asset class.

Onchain games will look a lot more like Friendtech than "Call of Duty but your gun is an NFT". Money is the property with which we play onchain games. It has to be, because crypto is fundamentally a monetary technology.
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