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Fall leaves fall / to signal a world's end, / their colourfulness feeding new life / where the purples make fall / the new spring.

Is autumn, or fall as some call it, really the season that heralds the end coming? When leaves are dropping, and the forest floor becomes a bed of decaying organic matter, it is easy to associate that with the beginning of the end.

To me, however, it is very much the beginning of the beginning. The rotting organic matter left by those who have had their best season is teeming with life. Life that is cleaning up the debris, and life that uses it as a feeding ground to grow.

Without the decay, there will not be new life.
So this Farcaster Fall, let's celebrate the new life that Web3 brings us, growing on the decaying detritus of the Web2 players of yesteryear.

Happy Farcaster Fall, welcome to your future.
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connect wallet
Beautiful words, thank you
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