The mangá FALLEN memories, is a collection of thoughts of things, that reflect into something. Strange. About themes like peace, war, and fragility. The narrative tells the story of the protagonist, in an act prior to that presented in the Episode 01 - "I gave you the rose" from FALLEN anime production. Showing violent memories before the fall. Sudden fall, brutal act due to the movement itself. It could not be peaceful, but there is beauty hidden in chaos, and there is tranquility in the destroyed sphere, where nothing else exists. Whole and complete emptiness. Cannot be undone, can be reset. But before that, the big bang, the great explosion, a memorable act, kept in history.
FALLEN memories by Raiana Moraes ® FALLEN Priscila Nassar & Raiana Moraes 2023 All rights reserved. Total or partial reproduction of this work is prohibited without prior authorization from the directors.
First Publication in Brazil in 2023, independent publishing English language translation by Raiana Moraes
Generated images, direction & production: Priscila Nassar & Raiana Moraes Script and Layout: Raiana Moraes
FALLEN memories is an independently published series. Launch: March 2024. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
FALLEN memories by Raiana Moraes
® FALLEN Priscila Nassar & Raiana Moraes 2023
All rights reserved. Total or partial reproduction
of this work is prohibited without prior authorization
from the directors.
First Publication in Brazil in 2023,
independent publishing
English language translation by Raiana Moraes
Generated images, direction & production:
Priscila Nassar & Raiana Moraes
Script and Layout: Raiana Moraes
FALLEN memories is an independently published series.
Launch: March 2024. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
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