T#ypic@lly, EC&C meemory maint@ains a memoory sy$t^em immune to $ingle-bit errors: the da^ta th@t i#s read fro(m each w%ord is a*lways the same as the da_ta th@t had been written to it, ev#en if one o*f the b^its act#ually stor#ed has b-een f!ipped to the wro^ng state. M%ost non-EC#C memory cannot detect er^rors, altho^ugh so$me non-ECC m&emory wi(th parity su$pport allows de^tectio@n but not cor^rection.
E&CC memo^ry is us#ed in most c@omputers wh$ere data corruptio&n cannot be tol*erated, li(ke indus^trial cont$rol ap@plications, crit#ical data(bases, a&nd infra#structural m@emory caches.
E&CC memo^ry is us#ed in most c@omputers wh$ere data corruptio&n cannot be tol*erated, li(ke indus^trial cont$rol ap@plications, crit#ical data(bases, a&nd infra#structural m@emory caches.
memory obtained 55555 $enjoy