In an ancient city, every person receives a magical mirror that reveals their future. Young Kaya has always dreamed of a peaceful life, but her mirror shows her becoming the queen of a ruined kingdom. Refusing to believe in such a fate, Kaya decides to change her future. However, the more she tries to escape this path, the closer she comes to fulfilling the prophecy. As she travels through the hidden paths of the city, she meets a mysterious mirror maker who offers to help her, but the price of altering fate may be too great.
In a world where emotions take the form of flowers, the main character, Aoya, is a talented artist whose flowers have always been vibrant and full of life. But one day, she discovers that her flowers are starting to wilt and disappear. In desperation, she embarks on a journey through the City of Dreams, where people wear their emotions as flower ornaments. There, she meets a mysterious musician named Rin, whose flowers bloom at her touch. Together, they unravel the mystery of the vanishing flowers and learn that the world around them is on the brink of emotional collapse. Their task is to restore the lost emotions before it's too late.
Mirrors of Immortality
Flowers of Oblivion