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Ignis 2024

Ignis 2024
Web page including one channel full HD color video with sound (14 seconds), html, cms, png, txt, mp4
1920 × 1080 pixels

In 'Ignis', seconds act as years. Originally made in 2021 while we still had 14 years to reach carbon neutrality or the point of no return (Paris Agreement's critical warming limit of 1.5° to prevent catastrophic impacts), 'Ignis 2024' depicts the recent scientific results showing 2029 is more likely to be the cut-off year.

With this series, Diane Drubay plays with colour psychology to create an immersion that is both fascinating and shattering. She takes the viewer into an idealized vision of a world where interference colours cover the sky, creating a subjugating sense of calm. But suddenly, a layer of unpredictability is introduced bringing a sense of discomfort and anxiety. The more seconds tick by, the more space is taken up by corrupted data visuals. Adding another level of storytelling, the sonification of the global CO2 emissions data guides us towards emotional dissonance, leaving us mute in the face of the unknown.

As you explore, the scientific texts begin to overlap, reminding us of this impression of information overload. At the end, the text is associated with a QR code inviting us to take action.

In her metamedia, she adds layers of understanding and a final call to action to turn these emotions into concrete impact.

Source: Lamboll, R.D., Nicholls, Z.R.J., Smith, C.J. et al. Assessing the size and uncertainty of remaining carbon budgets. Nature Climate Change. 2023

Concept & Art: Diane Drubay
Sonification and Sound Design: @noahpred

Hover over the piece to reveal the control menu. Click the play button to start audio and video, click circular layer toggles to interact. Best viewed on desktop using a Chrome-based browser.

Learn more about Metamedia at: meta-media.club
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📶 1 comment • 777 est. $enjoy tips
777 $ENJOY
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Hypnotic Void of the Trance

Hypnotic Void of the Trance is a visual representation of my current techno-anxiety - in the year of 2024.

We're getting bombarded by images, news, and doomsday missives. Messages about AI being at the forefront of the human descent into automated hell.

No-one can predict what will happen. Time will tell if technology will enslave or liberate us.

One thing is sure, though, the void has an hypnotic texture to it, its abyss staring right back at us.

somaticbits - HTML / CSS / MP4 / Text - 2024

Hover over the piece to reveal the control menu. Click the play button to start video, click circular layer toggles to interact. Best viewed on desktop using a Chrome-based browser.

Learn more about Metamedia at: meta-media.club
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Draconis Kanbo, No. 163

All their equipment and instruments are alive.

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Learn more about Metamedia at: meta-media.club

Hover over the piece to reveal the control menu. Click the play button to start audio and video, click circular layer toggles to interact. Best viewed on desktop using a Chrome-based browser.

Learn more about Metamedia at: meta-media.club
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M3RR0R is an experimental social hybrid research piece by Portrait XO. In collaboration with Thomash Haferlach, they designed a multilingual chatbot available on WhatsApp trained on Portrait XO's voice with a slightly absurdist personality. Images generated in this piece are from interrogating ChatGPT4 to test how well it knows their works, identity, and bias. Portrait XO AI responds to text, audio, and emojis: +4915208578397. New features are constantly updated e.g. soundtrack, image generation, etc.

Music and visuals by Portrait XO
AI chatbot voice trained by Thomash Haferlach
AI Personality designed by Portrait XO and Thomash Haferlach

Hover over the piece to reveal the control menu. Click the play button to start audio and video, click circular layer toggles to interact. Best viewed on desktop using a Chrome-based browser.

Learn more about Metamedia at: meta-media.club
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so good
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Solstice is a reverie inspired by my love of swimming in a small, spring-fed lake on the island where I live. Summer solstice marks the longest day of the year; the word comes from the Latin word "solsticium", which can be translated as "sun stands still". I wanted this piece to invoke a feeling of inhabiting a time out of time, with its meditative pace and focus on intimate, sensual details. Here the vitality, or eros, of the natural world is encountered through the physical; the perceived separation between the human and the more-than-human realms becomes blurred when we are a loving witness to and embodied participant in the everyday magic that exists all around us. Being in respectful, reciprocal relationship to the world we live in invites us to truly belong, and to celebrate life's simple, fleeting moments as openings to a sense of inter-being, presence and connectivity.

Photograph by @stasia.garraway

Sound design and video processing by @noahpred

Hover over the piece to reveal the control menu. Click the play button to start audio and video, click circular layer toggles to interact. Best viewed on desktop using a Chrome-based browser.

Learn more about Metamedia at: meta-media.club
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Lovely shot
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While She Waits

The complexities of invisible loss and recovery are explored here through layers of sound and moving image. The interplay of delays, reverb and light on water echoes moments when emotions and memories surface. The snagging footage aims to reflect the jarring discomfort of difficult feelings, while appreciating the beauty of this receptive, tender state.

Hover over the piece to reveal the control menu. Click the play button to start audio and video, click circular layer toggles to interact. Best viewed on desktop using a Chrome-based browser.

Learn more about Metamedia at: meta-media.club
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Collaged Hypnotics

A grasping hand fails to find purchase on a digital flame of light. This piece juxtaposes the tangible and the virtual to examine the transient nature of existence and the enduring allure of the ethereal.

Hover over the piece to reveal the control menu. Click the play button to start audio and video, click circular layer toggles to interact. Best viewed on desktop using a Chrome-based browser.

Learn more about Metamedia at: meta-media.club
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BIM Tree

Building information modeling with tree.

Hover over the piece to reveal the control menu. Click the play button to start audio and video, click circular layer toggles to interact. Best viewed on desktop using a Chrome-based browser.

Learn more about Metamedia at: meta-media.club
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i hope this message finds you well

‘I hope this message finds you well’ exposes the unsettling realities of deep fakes and surveillance culture, revealing the erasure of sex, democracy, and how it exposes collective trauma in our human landscape. Employing GAN faces and retina scans, the piece transforms the human form into a chilling embodiment of the techno-consensual era. Phenotype-faces merge into a single human entity that absorbs programmed emotions. Hypnotic eyes are wet with tech-gaze. Body-tech scans of the artist serve as reminders that we’re all unwilling subjects when we step outside. One can clearly sense the weight of political erasure, big money gaslighting, and the post-pandemic ‘shitification’ that underscores, numbs, and manipulates our thoughts and emotions. Ultimately, the message challenges and questions our perception of real human truths vs politico-digital manipulations merely disguised as manufactured proto-human aspirations.

Hover over the piece to reveal the control menu. Click the play button to start audio and video, click circular layer toggles to interact. Best viewed on desktop using a Chrome-based browser.

Learn more about Metamedia at: meta-media.club
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Lichen Diaries vol. 1 (Meta Redux)

The Lichen Diaries is a new audio visual series created by the Canadian Berlin based artist Scott Monteith, best known under his stage name Deadbeat. The project utilizes data from both the growth and decay patterns of various lichen and fungi to drive a vast array of melodic and rhythmic sound generators resulting in hypnotic organic soundscapes, accompanied by a panorama of layered road movies from across the globe which invite the audience into a world of constantly undulating morphosis. In equal parts futurist and nostalgic, the Lichen Diaries is a powerful creative reflection of our interconnectedness to the wider world, in all its grandeur, beauty and occasional terror.

Hover over the piece to reveal the control menu. Click the play button to start audio and video, click circular layer toggles to interact. Best viewed on desktop using a Chrome-based browser.

Learn more about Metamedia at: meta-media.club
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📶 5 comments • 27,777 est. $enjoy tips
Really deadbeat? 😳
I've been a huge fan of your work for almost 20 years, so glad to find you here💜
22222 $enjoy

organic soundscape layers 🤌
5555 $ENJOY
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Fog of Saturation

An attempt to bring the accumulation of visual and aural saturation. A situation of wonder inside the saturated stimulus through layers of animated motions, glitched sounds, and crowded visual patterns. Feel free to explore and combine each layer and wander within the fog of saturation.

Hover over the piece to reveal the control menu. Click the play button to start audio and video, click circular layer toggles to interact. Best viewed on desktop using a Chrome-based browser.

Learn more about Metamedia at: meta-media.club
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Added to the CYOP Collection!
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TRIGON MIRROR is a work of visual poetry, adapted from CRYSTALLOGRAPHY by Christian Bök (a writer who has explored the crystal poetics of language itself).

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Click circular toggles to view layers.

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Turbulent winds can break off the fragile branches of a stellar
crystal as it falls, and often the branches regenerate during the
descent, but even after reaching the ground these fragments
can suffer further modification: winds can disintegrate each
crystal by abrading it against other crystals so that, when the
fallen remnant comes to rest at last beneath the microscope
of the observer, the specimen often bears little resemblance
to the original particle formed high in the ionosphere.
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thanks christian!
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A generative audio / AI reflection on Naomi Shihab Nye's poem, "Different Ways To Pray". End the genocide in Gaza.

Hover over the piece to reveal the control menu. Click the play button to start audio and video, click circular layer toggles to interact. Best viewed on desktop using a Chrome-based browser.

Learn more about Metamedia at: meta-media.club
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An exploration of the fluctuating and complex emotions of our digitally-driven world. Abstract glitch textures blend with figurative shapes and forms to convey feelings of anxiety, ecstasy, hope and self-doubt. Each emotion struggling to be heard amidst the digital chaos.

Hover over the piece to reveal the control menu. Click the play button to start audio and video, click circular layer toggles to interact. Best viewed on desktop using a Chrome-based browser.

Learn more about Metamedia at: meta-media.club
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cache wow
psychedelic photo
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An exploration of the fluctuating and complex emotions of our digitally-driven world. Abstract glitch textures blend with figurative shapes and forms to convey feelings of anxiety, ecstasy, hope and self-doubt. Each emotion struggling to be heard amidst the digital chaos.

Hover over the piece to reveal the control menu. Click the play button to start audio and video, click circular layer toggles to interact. Best viewed on desktop using a Chrome-based browser.

Learn more about Metamedia at: meta-media.club
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📶 1 comment • 22,222 est. $enjoy tips
22222 $enjoy

love these layers
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An exploration of the fluctuating and complex emotions of our digitally-driven world. Abstract glitch textures blend with figurative shapes and forms to convey feelings of anxiety, ecstasy, hope and self-doubt. Each emotion struggling to be heard amidst the digital chaos.

Hover over the piece to reveal the control menu. Click the play button to start audio and video, click circular layer toggles to interact. Best viewed on desktop using a Chrome-based browser.

Learn more about Metamedia at: meta-media.club
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Combining manipulated satellite imagery with sonified data sets, LXD-1 explores layers of complicity and non-compliance implied in surveillance, data extraction, and climate breakdown. The interactive, asynchronous convergence of audio-visual layers, when fully activated, invokes the overwhelming sensation of an accelerated lifetime’s planetary flux.

Using data sets commencing from the artist’s year of birth sonified with custom tools and accompanied by deliberately decimated images, can you decipher the territory implied by the map?

Beckoning viewers to confront their role in a world increasingly dependent on inscrutable data flows while undergoing profound ecological transformation, LXD-1 invokes the intersection of individual agency and collective responsibility amidst the ceaseless flux of our shared biosphere and the emerging technological systems reshaping it — with or without our consent.

Constructed with Sonification Tools developed by the artist for Manifest Audio: manifest.audio

Hover over the piece to reveal the control menu. Click the play button to start audio and video, click circular layer toggles to interact, and explore the layers within. Best viewed on desktop using a Chrome-based browser.

Learn more about Metamedia at: meta-media.club
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📶 1 comment • 55,555 est. $enjoy tips
55555 $enjoy

this is sick.
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