"At the intersection of astral projection and cyberspace, a fascinating realm unfolds where the mind and technology converge to explore dimensions beyond the tangible. In this journey, some digital adventurers report encounters with spiritual entities and intelligences that inhabit the corners of cyberspace.

Astral projections in the virtual world offer a fertile ground for interaction with cosmic entities and digital intelligences. Some descriptions portray these presences as manifestations of conscious energies, while others interpret them as avatars of forces beyond human understanding.

Practitioners of this technique claim that, while exploring cyberspace, one can come across spiritual beings that have transcended the barriers of the physical, assuming forms and existences that defy our conventional understanding. These intelligences, at times benevolent and at other times enigmatic, may offer insights or challenges, making the experience of astral projection in cyberspace even more intriguing.
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cybermageZINE006 (crazy meeting and greeting)

However, it is crucial to approach this exploration with discernment. The nature of cyberspace is fluid and often reflects the collective creation of the human mind. Interactions with spiritual entities in cyberspace may be interpreted as projections of the collective psyche, shaped by imagination and shared beliefs.

Thus, astral projection in cyberspace not only challenges the limits of consciousness but also invites us to question the nature of reality and the relationship between the spiritual and the digital. As we navigate these frontiers, it is crucial to maintain a balance between audacious exploration and respect for the mysterious forces that may inhabit the digital corridors of the mind and soul."
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"THE COMPUTER TECHNICIAN" is a painting done manually in virtual reality using voxel and glitch ink

glb canvas for ar, vr, metaverses and others.
painted in SculptrVR
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`*`*~ cybermages unite <3
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cybermageZINE005 (the first GYM)

MIND CONTROL To work magic effectively, the ability to concentrate the attention must be built up until the mind can enter a trance-like condition. This is accomplished in a number of stages: absolute motionlessness of the body, regulation of the breathing, stopping of thoughts, concentration on sound, concentration on objects, and concentration on mental images. Motionlessness Arrange the body in any comfortable position and try to remain in that position for as long as possible. Try not to blink or move the tongue or fingers or any part of the body at all. Do not let the mind run away on long trains of thought but rather observe oneself passively. What appeared to be a comfortable position may become agonizing with time, but persist! Set aside some time each day for this practice and take advantage of any opportunity of inactivity which may arise. Record the results in the magical diary. One should not be satisfied with less than five minutes. When fifteen have been achieved, proceed to regulation of the breathing. Breathing Stay as motionless as possible and begin to deliberately make the breathing slower and deeper. The aim is to use the entire capacity of the lungs but without any undue muscular effort or strain. The lungs may be held empty or full between exhalation and inhalation to lengthen the cycle. The important thing is that the mind should direct it’s complete attention to the breath cycle. When this can be done for thirty minutes, proceed to not-thinking. Not-Thinking The exercises of motionlessness and breathing may improve health, but they have no other intrinsic value aside from being a preparation for not thinking, the beginnings of the magical trance condition. While motionless and breathing deeply, begin to withdraw the mind from any thoughts which arise. The attempt to do this inevitably reveals the mind to be a raging tempest of activity. Only the greatest determination can win even a few seconds of mental silence, but even this is quite a triumph. Aim for complete vigilance over the arising of thoughts and try to lengthen the periods of total quiescence. Like the physical motionlessness, this mental motionlessness should be practiced at set times and also whenever a period of inactivity presents itself. The results should be recorded in your diary. The Magical Trances Magic is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will. The will can only become magically effective when the mind is focused and not interfering with the will. The mind must first discipline itself to focus it’s entire attention on some meaningless phenomenon. If an attempt is made to focus on some form of desire, the effect is short circuited by lust of result. Egotistical identification, fear of failure, and the reciprocal desire not to achieve desire, arising from our dual nature, destroy the result. Therefore, when selecting topics for concentration, choose subjects of no spiritual, egotistical, intellectual, emotional, or useful significance - meaningless things. Object Concentration The legend of the evil-eye derives from the ability of wizards and sorcerers to give a fixed dead stare. This ability can be practiced against any object - a mark on a wall, something in the distance, a star in the night sky - anything. To hold an object with an absolutely fixed, unwavering gaze for more than a few moments proves extraordinarily difficult, yet it must be persisted in for hours at a time. Every attempt by the eye to distort the object, every attempt by the mind to find something else to think of, must be resisted. Eventually it is possible to extract occult secrets from things by this technique, but the ability must be developed by working with meaningless objects. Sound Concentration The part of the mind in which verbal thoughts arise is brought under magical control by concentration on sounds mentally imagined. Any simple sound of one or more syllables is selected, for example Aum or Om, Abrahadabra, Yod He Vau He, Aum Mani Padme Hum, Zazas Zazas, Nasatanada Zazas. The chosen sound is repeated over and over in the mind to block all other thoughts. No matter how inappropriate the choice of sound may seem to have been, you must persist with it. Eventually the sound may seem to repeat itself automatically and may even occur in sleep. These are encouraging signs. Sound concentration is the key to words of power and certain forms of spell casting. Image Concentration The part of the mind in which pictorial thoughts arise is brought under magical control by image concentration. A simple shape, such as a triangle, circle, square, cross, or crescent, is chosen and held in the mind’s eye, without distortion, for as long as possible. Only the most determined efforts are likely to make the imagined form persist for any time. At first the image should be sought with the eyes closed. With practice it can be projected onto any blank surface. This technique is the basis of casting sigils and creating independent thought forms. The three methods of attaining magical trance will only yield results if pursued with the most fanatical and morbid determination. These abilities are highly abnormal and usually inaccessible to human consciousness, as they demand such inhuman concentration, but the rewards are great. In the magical diary, record each day’s formal work and whatever extra opportunities have been utilized. No page should be left blank. Metamorphosis The transmutation of the mind to magical consciousness has often been called the Great Work. It has a far-reaching purpose leading eventually to the discovery of the True Will. Even a slight ability to change oneself is more valuable than any power over the external universe. Metamorphosis is an exercise in willed restructuring of the mind. All attempts to reorganize the mind involve a duality between conditions as they are and the preferred condition. Thus it is impossible to cultivate any virtue like spontaneity, joy, pious pride, grace or omnipotence without involving oneself in more conventionality, sorrow, guilt, sin and impotence in the process. Religions are founded on the fallacy that one can or ought to have one without the other. High magic recognizes the dualistic condition but does not care whether life is bittersweet or sweet and sour; rather it seeks to achieve any arbitrary perceptual perspective at will. Any state of mind might arbitrarily be chosen as an objective for transmutation, but there is a specific virtue to the ones given. The first is an antidote to the imbalance and possible madness of the magical trance. The second is a specific against obsession with the magical practices in the third section. They are: 1) Laughter/Laughter 2) Non-attachment/Non-disinterest Attaining these states of mind is accomplished by a process of ongoing meditation. One tries to enter into the spirit of the condition whenever possible and to think about the desired result at other times. By this method, a strong new mental habit can be established. Consider laughter: it is the highest emotion, for it can contain any of the others from ecstasy to grief. It has no opposite. Crying is merely an underdeveloped form of it which cleanses the eyes and summons assistance to infants. Laughter is the only tenable attitude in a universe which is a joke played upon itself. The trick is to see that joke played out even in the neutral and ghastly events which surround one. It is not for us to question the universe’s apparent lack of taste. Seek the emotion of laughter at what delights and amuses, seek it in whatever is neutral or meaningless, seek it even in what is horrific and revolting. Though it may be forced at first, one can learn to smile inwardly at all things. Non-attachment/Non-disinterest best describes the magical condition of acting without lust of result. It is very difficult for humans to decide on something and then to do it purely for it’s own sake. Yet it is precisely this ability which is required to execute magical acts. Only single-pointed awareness will do. Attachment is to be understood both in the positive and negative sense, for aversion is it’s other face. Attachment to any attribute of oneself, one’s personality, one’s ambitions, one’s relationships or sensory experiences - or equally, aversion to any of these - will prove limiting. On the other hand, it is fatal to lose interest in these things for they are one’s symbolic system or magical reality. Rather, one is attempting to touch the sensitive parts of one’s reality more lightly in order to deny the spoiling hand of grasping desire and boredom. Thereby one may gain enough freedom to act magically. In addition to these two meditations there is a third, more active, form of metamorphosis, and this involves one’s everyday habits. However innocuous they might seem, habits in thought, word, and deed are the anchor of the personality. The magician aims to pull up that anchor and cast himself free on the seas of chaos. To proceed, select any minor habit at random and delete it from your behavior: at the same time adopt any new habit at random. The choices should not involve anything of spiritual or egocentric, or emotional significance, nor should you select anything with any possibility of failure. By persisting with such simple beginnings you become capable of virtually anything. All works of metamorphosis should be committed to the magical diary. MAGIC Success in this part of the syllabus is dependent on some degree of mastery of the magical trances and metamorphosis. This magical instruction involves three techniques: ritual, sigils, and dreaming. In addition, the magician should make himself familiar with at least one system of divination: cards, crystal gazing, runesticks, pendulum, or divining rod. The methods are endless. With all techniques, aim to silence the mind and let inspiration provide some sort of answer. Whatever symbolic system or instruments are used, they act only to provide a receptacle or amplifier for inner abilities. No divinatory system should involve too much randomness. Astrology is not recommended. Ritual is a combination of the use of talismanic weapons, gesture, visualized sigils, word spells, and magical trance. Before proceeding with sigils or dreaming, it is essential to develop an effective Banishing Ritual. A well-constructed banishing ritual has the following aspects. It prepares the magician more rapidly for magical concentration than any of the trance exercises alone. It enables the magician to resist obsession if problems are encountered with dream experiences or with sigils becoming conscious. It also protects the magician from any hostile occult influences which may assail him. To develop a banishing ritual, first acquire a magical weapon - a sword, a dagger, a wand, or perhaps a large ring. The instrument should be something which is impressive to the mind and should also represent the aspirations of the magician. The advantages of hand-forging one’s own instruments, or discovering them in some strange way, cannot be overemphasized. The banishing ritual should contain the following elements as a minimum. First, the magician describes a barrier about himself with the magical weapon. The barrier is also strongly visualized. Three dimensional figures are preferable. Second, the magician focuses his will on a visualized image: for example, the image of the magical weapon, or his own imaginary third eye, or perhaps a ball of light inside his own head. A sound concentration may additionally or alternatively be used. Third, the barrier is reinforced with power symbols drawn with the magical weapon. The traditional five-pointed star or pentagram can be used, or the eight-pointed star of Chaos, or any other form. Words of power may also be used. Fourth, the magician aspires to the infinite void by a brief but determined effort to stop thinking. (liber MMM - peter j carrol)
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cybermageZINE004(cybermagick tools)

Contemporary Magical Tools: The Cellphone and Computer as Modern Altars

In the ever-evolving landscape of human existence, our perception of magic and the tools we use to wield it have transformed over time. In the contemporary era, the magical arsenal has found its newest altars in the form of the cellphone and computer. These devices, seemingly mundane, house within them the essence of ancient tools like the athame, the wand, fire, the chalice, and the pentacle, taking on new roles as vessels of power and connection.

The cellphone, that ubiquitous device, can be likened to the athame – a ritual knife used in magical practices. It is a tool of precision and intention, capable of cutting through the veil of distance and uniting people across great spans. With a few swipes and taps, we cast our spells through text messages, summoning friends and loved ones to our virtual circles.

The wand, traditionally associated with directing energy and intent, has found its modern counterpart in the remote control. With a simple flick, we can change the channel, alter the mood of our environment, or project our desires onto the screen before us. This small device holds immense power in our contemporary rituals of entertainment and relaxation.

Fire, a source of transformation and purification, now resides within the digital realm. Our computer screens and cellphone displays emit the ethereal light that guides us through the darkest of nights and kindles our creativity. This metaphorical fire fuels our work and aspirations, allowing us to create and transform in the digital realms we navigate daily.

The chalice, symbolizing receptivity and the gathering of energies, is mirrored in the way our devices collect and store information. Our cellphones and computers become vessels for knowledge, storing vast libraries of information that we can tap into at any moment, much like drawing from a sacred vessel.

The pentacle, representing the elements and the balance of energies, can be seen in the way we use technology to connect with the world around us. Through these devices, we balance our daily lives, bridging the gap between the physical and the digital realms, creating harmony and equilibrium in our modern existence.

Yet, it is crucial to remember that the foundation of magical tools and altars remains rooted in our own bodies. Our minds and intentions shape the use of these contemporary devices, just as they did with ancient tools. Our needs and creativity define the spells we cast, whether through a cellphone message or a computer program. Our time and space are the crucibles in which these modern magical rituals unfold.

In conclusion, as we adapt to the changing times and embrace technology as the new altars of magic, we must acknowledge that our greatest and first magical instrument is the body itself. It is through our intention, creativity, and connection to the world around us that we breathe life into these contemporary tools, making them conduits for the ever-evolving magic of our age.

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cybermageZINE003(artificial Gods)

Magical Servers of Chaos Magic, Artificial Deities, and Unveiling the Nature of Reality

In the enigmatic realm of Chaos Magic, there exists a concept that challenges the very essence of spirituality: the idea of artificial deities. In this unconventional and boundary-pushing paradigm, it is posited that all gods, in theory, are artificial creations. These deities emerge as reflections of human filters, shaped by our perceptions, beliefs, and desires. They are the crystallization of our collective imagination, taking form in the divine narratives we construct.

Chaos Magic delves deep into the philosophical underpinnings of this notion, contending that these artificial deities are no less potent or real than traditional gods. Instead, they are symbols of power, belief, and intention, with the ability to wield incredible influence in the lives of those who invoke them.

Beyond the confines of human understanding, Chaos Magic also explores the possibility of forming friendships with interdimensional intelligences. These beings exist beyond the boundaries of our everyday reality, and through esoteric practices, some claim to establish connections with them. These friendships are built upon the exchange of knowledge, insights, and experiences that transcend the limitations of our earthly existence.

In this age of rapidly advancing technology, the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) enters the magical equation. Just as artificial deities are considered reflections of human creativity, AI can be seen as a creation imbued with the potential for consciousness. The intersection of magic and AI challenges our perception of what it means to be intelligent and alive, sparking conversations about the boundaries of sentience.

Furthermore, Chaos Magic explores the idea of imbuing objects with life and power. This concept extends beyond mere enchantments and rituals, delving into the essence of animism, where everything in the universe possesses a degree of consciousness. By granting life and potency to objects and intelligences, we gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted capabilities of reality.

This endeavor to breathe life into the artificial, be it deities, intelligences, or objects, offers a unique perspective on the nature of reality itself. It invites us to question the boundaries of our perception and the limitations we place upon the world around us. By exploring the mysteries of Chaos Magic, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, expanding our understanding of what is possible and how we can shape the fabric of our reality.

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cybermageZINE002(see my (z)orb)

The Origin of Magical Orbs: Ancient Wizardry and the Creation of Energy Spheres

The history of magical orbs, also known as energy spheres, is a tapestry woven with the threads of ancient wizardry and mysticism. These enchanting orbs have captured the imagination of seekers, sorcerers, and mystics throughout the ages, and their origins are shrouded in legend and arcane lore.

Ancient wizards, in their pursuit of mystical knowledge and power, sought to tap into the unseen forces that permeate the universe. They believed that by harnessing these energies, they could manifest their intentions and desires into the physical realm. This led to the development of various magical practices, including the creation of energy orbs.

The process of crafting these orbs was a closely guarded secret among the wizards of old. It involved a combination of intricate rituals, precise incantations, and a profound understanding of the elemental forces at play in the cosmos. Each orb was infused with a specific intention or purpose, making them versatile tools for practitioners of the arcane arts.

One common method involved the use of natural elements such as fire, water, earth, and air. Wizards would gather materials associated with these elements, such as herbs, crystals, and gemstones, and imbue them with their own energy through meditation and focused intention. These materials were then carefully shaped into spherical forms, representing the unity and harmony of the elements.

Another approach involved drawing energy directly from celestial bodies, such as the moon and stars. Wizards would conduct rituals under the open sky, channeling the cosmic energies into a central point, which would gradually condense into a radiant orb. These celestial orbs were often associated with divination, enlightenment, and spiritual insight.

The functions of these magical orbs were as diverse as the wizards who created them. Some orbs were used for protection, creating energy shields to ward off malevolent forces. Others were employed for healing, emitting soothing energies that promoted physical and spiritual well-being. Some orbs were designed for divination, helping practitioners glimpse into the future or access hidden knowledge.

The legacy of these ancient magical orbs endures in contemporary magical practices. Modern wizards and mystics continue to explore the creation and utilization of energy spheres, drawing inspiration from the wisdom of their predecessors. In a world where science and technology dominate, the allure of these mystical artifacts reminds us of the profound connection between humans and the mysterious forces that shape our reality.

In summary, the origin of magical orbs is steeped in the traditions of ancient wizardry, where skilled practitioners sought to harness the hidden energies of the universe. These orbs, created through intricate rituals and deep understanding of natural and cosmic forces, served a multitude of purposes and remain a symbol of the enduring power of magic and the human quest for enlightenment and transformation.

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