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✎ 36 115 132 NEW COMMENTS
11.11 ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 1111111 $Enjoy
🫂 333333 $enjoy
lol. not bad

574798 $enjoy
ILY & I <3 Hiroshi 🫂

333333 $enjoy
A beautiful beat from a beautiful sample 😍
11111 $Enjoy -ing this peaceful tune! Love the cover design too
Smooth, warm, inviting. The drums whisper with a quickened energy. Love.
This is amazing ✨
🕺🕺🕺 100000 $enjoy
a bump flow of feelings $enjoy 222,222 keep going and stay heartFULL!
Thiz face evolution - Twiz Face <3
Video not loading for me since created a few days ago, but I imagine the lore is worth collecting <3

280,017 $enjoy
this documentation is necessary. keep going and stay heartFULL!
this documentation is necessary. keep going and stay heartFULL!
feel this ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 888888 $Enjoy

111111 $enjoy
🥹🥹🥹🥹 18000 $enjoy
50000 $enjoy
go mary go. happy friday!
a bounce flow keep going and enjoy $111,111 happy friday!

137,195 $enjoy
extraaaaaa extraaaaaa 36000 $enjoy
let that new life in !!
Loop Sessions.

"Sings the Smallville theme song"

131313 $enjoy
this is a really beautiful piece of music Forest

200000 $enjoy
yeesssssssssss ^^^^^^^ !!! 5555 $enjoy
there is energy everywhere for those with eyes to see <3
M3 🤗💐

137137 $enjoy
love this format wethemniggas approved
brilliant brilliant read

moving from imaginary to material enables the shift from personal to collective

11111 $enjoy
extremely insightful, all music nft enjoyoors should read
this is important thought 🌟

7777 $enjoy
Fun! 111111 $Enjoy
Fantastic Vol. 2 

11111 $enjoy 
This is where we need to focus our collective brain power
right time. right place. right energy. so EXCITED! keep going for a time such as this. happy friday!
Collecting Resonance 7777 $enjoy
nice music!
a way forward. happy friday! keep going.
some say it is so
aquarius flow and good human energy. happy friday!
a blue magic projection energy and sonic wave experience. happy friday!
thankful for the new memories made in vancouver, british columbia, cananda while experiencing James Turrell together. happy friday!
It was such an amazing call, Thanks Forrest for leading 💚
Soul on soul on soul. Love
gracias por ser un amigo con beneficios
Fest Moment. Thank you for sharing this with the world ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ
Will treasure this Ticket Stub and the experience that lead to me it.
So proud of you & grateful to know you. You managed to pull off something I’ve been manically trying to execute for 6 years. You took the brave experimental leaps while I festered in analysis paralysis, searching for workarounds to the what seemed like impossible task of creating a chronological historical vault of proof of life and proof of creative work. From upload size limits, hosting, limited customization, UI incompatibilities, fear of committing to a platform or service that has the all too realistic chance of not existing or being sun-set in a year, 5, 10…. And not being around anymore to migrate that history and it become lost and forgotten.

So to say watching you take the brave steps and chances while I obsessed over perfect execution has been inspirational doesn’t quite convey how impactful watching this unfold has been. Infinite love to you, C Y Lee & Anna Wang for valuing the process of Documentation in a way it truly deserves to exist.

Love, Light & All That Jazz.

Sincerely, Dutch (Dutchyyy / Dutchmassive)

these vibes are preparing me for the summer 🙏 🟣
