I just watched the KRO interview with Tim Ferriss, and towards the end he talks about his experience with ketamine therapy. He described life as a series of crunches (like the exercise), and prior to therapy he realized he had been doing the crunches with a 35lb weight on his chest. Afterwards, he felt the weight lifted and he moved with a lightness he hadn't felt since he was 11 or 12 years old.

That image stuck out to me, and it made me wonder: what is my equivalent of the 35lb weight I'm carrying? I'm not doing anything nearly as stressful as running a failed PFP project beholden to VC interests, but I'm sure I have some subconscious weights that are making life heavier than it needs to be.

After reflecting I think it's something with insecurities around my body. I feel very self conscious of it and it influences how I carry myself and move through space - posture, stiffness, comfort, etc. Something I'm conscious of and want to be more intentional about working on.
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Way to be intentional and self-reflective. If meditation isn’t a regular part of your practice, I recommend it as a way to check in and make peace with your body as it is, grateful for what it has provided for you (life, breath, health, passion…) and grateful for what it has carried for you (stress, shame, fear…) and as you develop a stronger relationship with your body, ask “it” (yourself) what it needs to be able to release old things (nutrition, sleep, movement, weight-training, therapy). Good luck in the journey, my friend. You’re stronger than you think you are.
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