✦✦✦✦ Size L XL XXL Network Zora
✎ 623 301 140 NEW COMMENTS
on ?
Welp, experiment failed. This platform officially no longer has any meaningful value left to continue documenting & collecting on. GG’s
111111 $enjoy
Media (Video + Thumbnail) metadata updated to match aspect ratio container
too much to say so i guess new album's on the way. Returning to the permanent more cathartic format. behind the scenes of the process (w.i.p.)
testing 1, 2...
200000 $enjoy

Because I wrote a lot <3
👌 color pallette +++ 33333 $enjoy
Life feels like “Lost” after the 2007-2008 writers strike.
Vivid af <3
Thank you for being such an inspiration.

111111 $enjoy
Thank you for being you <3
ThankYou Zora deployed bot wallet, you’re insightful contribution of reading titles & spitting out random words to help create the illusion of actual interest and activity to increase those fake numbers for the next round of of funding is indeed special.
Dutchyyy (Dutchmassive) & Mad Keys
HenoKeys 77777 $enjoy
beats, rhymes and life! I'm not longer alone on this app haha, glad i stumbled across your page 14,019 $enjoy
--> dutchyyy.xyz if i vanish
#traversal 33333 $enjoy
name that waifu.
Web3 Art marketplaces completely cooked
on Portal
evolving portals 1111 $enjoy
11111 $enjoy seen, heard, felt pixel perfect <3
1111 $enjoy
11111 $enjoy
Tetsuo!!!!!! 11111 $enjoy
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
111111 $enjoy
I didn’t mint this, but it says I did haha, was this airdropped I’m just seeing this now so curious if this a ui glitch or airdropped
I'm testing something out, If you follow me on Zora and see this post because of this comment, please let me know by either collecting, texting or dming me. M y continued participation on chain will be weighted by this experiment
This is too important to be lost to time, disposable content, attention currency
Please don't let me be lost to time / disposable content
Love often, Thank you again to C.Y. LEE 🫂
11111! $enjoy love you brother <3
147,228 $enjoy
This video was a direct response to @jacob on his tweet about "discovery"...
@inpublic I now feel obligated to stress that you know I wasn’t angry typing that and it was just A reference stamped in time based on seeing the levy break on social media today. You know me so you know I don’t wish harm on anyone but say there isn’t a symbolic similarity of a large group of people feeling used, abused and abandoned over and over by systems being rigged to benefit the ones at the top . maybe we had a very different algo today, but I saw a mass of people last ounce of hope get squashed out and not taking too well. Just saying . Bad timing & , bad look & i don’t think the usual strat of vc aligned Sith Lords like coop yet again gaslighting and shaming people who’s real life time, energy and money feels wasted is gonna keep flying unchecked. It’s all memes until it’s not I read every word of your post. You know this is on going disrespect at scale. I was only able to make reference i did because i saw it multiple times today, just worded less poetic 🫂 .
+++ It’s all fun & games until Luigi turns you into a ghost inside the mansion. Out of touch Dev’s continuously disrespecting, manipulating & gaslighting this many passionate artists over and over in today’s climate. “Post to earn found etched into the shells at the convention stage”
on Lost
HF 🫂 11111 $enjoy (Sorry, app nerfed just trickles down to enjoy til allocation <3
Paused for motion
on 🖤
Heaven, I miss my bike and the ocean
Testing Testing 33000 $enjoy
on sky

11111 $enjoy
keep your heart 3 stacks

11111 $enjoy
I miss when upon creating/minting, autocollect was a thing. <3
Dope concept Carter. Can’t wait to see how it articulates my taste. 🫂
111111 $enjoy via enjoy.tech
111111 $enjoy via enjoy.tech
Made it web, grabbed the higher & just saw this loveliness <3

111111 $enjoy
This is so dope! 111111 $enjoy
111111 $enjoy

Peace to Majik Most
111111 $enjoy “My soul is precious metal that I wrap around me, like Mario 64 to be exact” - Vast Arie (Cannibal Ox)
111111 $enjoy
My story avail at Dutchyyy.xyz 🫂

111111 $enjoy

111111 $enjoy
testing 123

444444 $enjoy
on LBG
Dope to hear more beats (hiphop,boombap,jazz,soul,lofi) on zora, it’s been pretty lonely here 🫂

222222 $enjoy
Not sure this experiment will be successful haha
"inspect ya Deck"

333333 $enjoy
on 1988
I wanted this car all my life, How is that one in immaculate condition!?!?

"Road(maps)? where we're going we don't need Roads"

111111 $enjoy
Code Geass
333333 $enjoy
The Park x Dutchyyy (unreleased)
222222 $ENJOY
High Def af 333333 $enjoy
Testing take two 33 $enjoy
333333 $enjoy

testing 123
Let’s see if zora has more impact than IG 🫂
Name every artifact you see
Dutch wif hat is og 🫂 70999 $enjoy
C.Y. Drift

222222 $enjoy
Love your style 🫂

222222 $enjoy
111111 $enjoy via enjoy.tech
111111 $enjoy

Voidwalker <3
So so lonely….    Will be back from desktop shortly.    I want all yards in “my” main wallet.  

111111 $enjoy 
Legendary link up in a magical land 

111111 $enjoy
analog ave

111111 $enjoy
I would write a lot of music in that peaceful place.

33333 $enjoy
111111 $enjoy
111111 $enjoy

It was Beautiful. I feel lost again

222222 $enjoy
I miss you. Very Internet Person <3

333333 $enjoy
Big a** plane has crashed. Follow me to the hatch, don’t let Benjamin Linus in!

111111 $enjoy
111111 $enjoy

Commenting with love from this big a** airplane still
111111 $enjoy 

Visual sentiment 
Heart work + art works = light works.


111111 $enjoy
rest in peace socket <333
72,575 $enjoy
higher, tumble down, $higher, tumble down, $higher, $higher... So deep up here.
I miss seeing & feeling 🍂 Autumn
3333 $enjoy
Halloween makes me miss the prospect of the Fantom ecosystem so much. Boo!
on yes
:::community note::: if there were actually 90k active minters, why is the feed just redundancy of the same platform “memes”::::
111111 $enjoy
222222 $enjoy
111111 $ENJOY
111111 $enjoy
111111 $enjoy
on Xx
111111 $enjoy
Congrats.! Still traumatized by decades of legacy industry bum deals. Cheers to a brighter future 🫂 111111 $enjoy
on 1CDS
Gem bin 33333 $enjoy
Can I 111111 $enjoy my own art?
:: a portal opens in app, hop thru it?::
“Party Authority” sounds like an unreleased LMFAO ep 111111 $enjoy
I should mint a video showing the contrast of how much reach & love this same video received when posted to instagram verses the “post to earn” ghost town 🫂
I’ve already briefly touched on my trajectory In terms of artist long before trader, defi bridge hopping sh*t coin trader before artist onchain, Navigated both of those in parallel, trading being a private practice to sustain as a means to allow the art side to be absent of urgency in terms of being a means to survive. As a pretty active participant in both lanes. There was never a coin (beyond eth & boomer coin) that had my attention, yet my multiple wallets have traded sh*t coins across all chains, even abandoned ones. Sh*t coin is a broad stroke but meme coins absolutely land on the same canvas. I’ve made a lot of money on coins, & lost even more. Regardless of direction, none of that was conviction based or attention based, beyond the attention of time spent playing pvp trying not to be on the losing side of zero sum. Because it lacked emotion, attention, conviction…. I could allow myself to play zero sum battle ship know that a win for me is a loss for another. Which brings us to Art…. And let’s be honest. Zora is an art platform. How we got here doesn’t change that. It’s an art platform that couldn’t scale to its ambitions or to the expectations of those funding, so the hard pivot to ::insert air quotes:: “social platform”. Before that hard pivot lived the tip meta. The tip meta, helped to transition Zora from “art platform” to platform that now has incentives to be gamed. Enter an influx of ai generated memes for your chosen or multi tipping tokens because hey, why not spin up multiple burner wallets to try and capture value of seeing these tipping tokens of effortless ai images also playing a little PvP, resulting in seeing some very niche, inside an already niche and in no way relatable to anyone outside of holding those tipping tokens. Doing high value numbers in contrast to art. Now that’s out of the way. Present day. Zora being the poster child of having a skitzo identity crisis. Aims to scale outside of art is valuable, and niche images of green arrows & purple top hats, “Hey, look over here! You earn instead of just getting likes for your photo of your morning coffee mug… he’ll, you can even earn from created ai imagery of what otherwise would be just a quickly snapped nature photo…. At the same time jeckle is trying to get Becky the influencer to transition from ig for her daily posts, Hyde is snickering proudly holding its kerosene flickering lantern, In a cobble stone alleyway wearing an oversized trenchcoat whispering about the lesser known underworld, vaguely alluding that beneath every upload, whether highly intentional artwork, ai generated horse or daily photo at brunch is a market. Even if they are unaware, there could be people playing zero sum PvP on thier photo of fig on toast with some people winning and others losing While you’re not even aware of where or how to access this world to participate.. the farthest from mass adoption possible. Every post is a market, every post is a meme…. Attention, value…. From 4chan message boards to tumblr, a golden shibu pup & Saturday night live…. No meme has ever truely captured my attention, no token not attached to media has ever been something I’d ever emotionally connect to. And when multi media is attached to token, the last thing on mind is playing zero sum battle ship. I just want to collect one and hold it forever. I’m not even emotionally invested in the subject I’m addressing. Haha. I however am nostalgic about the blog era & appreciate the mind, creative works & experimentation of tokens designed to initiate discussions. Hence my participation any time one of these posts manages to win the RNG roll and actually reach me…. I participate by actually taking the time to articulate in long form. In closing: The reason zora is 100% not a social platform is because, no one can directly reply to this comment. No alert, Once I click mint, This will locked in wallet out of sight out of mind. Even the initial poster of this, will have to pay to comment If they do reply. I’ll never know.. because the poster will have moved onto to thier next post. Attention, Value….. nothing retains attention, emotional value on a 72hr maximum retention cycle…. This was fun 🫂

574798 $enjoy
Vault explorers

333333 $enjoy
The Uproot

111111 $enjoy
Surreal Side Chain Compression

111111 $enjoy
“Yoyoyoyoyoyo” Proof of Super Producer
ILY & I <3 Hiroshi 🫂

333333 $enjoy
199999 $enjoy


77777 $enjoy
111111 $enjoy 

micro machine 111111 $enjoy
111111 $enjoy

on kao
Please stop unfollowing & following me on the brain rot app. 🫂 I like seeing your art & love collecting it.

333333 $enjoy
Photo Captured 2020, In my old Studio I.E. the 10x12 tomb

Culture Capsule
Video is 9:16 aspect ration on the web version, but somehow ended 1080x1920 on the app cutting off a lot of the video.

Evolving Portals 🌀🧎🏻

Full Collection:

up up down down left right left right meow

111111 $enjoy
The issue isn't as simple as bots / boosts are good or bad.   The "nefarious" part that everyone seems to keep leaving out is the most important part.  It's the reason why I after several calls with David, I emotionally and actively stopped using or acknowledging the platform.  It's the reason I've been pushing back so hard and so loudly about the changes to zora,  removing the chronological follower and discover feeds, and having them replaced by activity feeds...         If you want to pay to create fake demand, using bots, more power to you...     I'd personally just airdrop actual humans I think might enjoy the music/art but "perceived volume" and all that jazz.      THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM is why this ugly...    Sound has a leaderboard, and they removed, the real time minting feed,  by design they destroyed discoverability of all those new artists they shilled a brighter future to on tiktok and ig,  and they never stood a chance,  but a guy with a turtle neck controls those charts....         The same issue is now on zora,  where unrealistic amount of mints keep going to the platforms posts,  big projects, and friends of the inner circle...     all of these things are fine in a free market,  but when you manipulate discovery, and design to amplify the most active, and bury everyone else......      you can't gaslight me to make me believe the ones designing and calling the shots aren't intelligent enough to understand how broken and rigged that is....      I know without a doubt, it was by design at sound,  i spoke for hours with David.   It's becoming increasing more difficult to not look at Zora in the same light.    They are devs,  they could easily create an organic default feed that only shows original posts in the order they were minted from the people you follow and create a second feed, that has the activity mechanics....      the only reason not to do this, is as exactly how it looks, and i've screenshot and documented so many examples that's it's happening...           So when I see promo about how Zora is fun, mints are better than likes,   it feels like the same playback,  trying to onboard a bunch of new users, who will be buried by the latest AI generated meme......

It's not bots, it's the whole picture.  It's not speculation, it's not salt, it's actively happen to point it's impossible not to see.

Am I the bad guy for bringing up a design flaw that so many others see and label it as "the rich get richer" scheme...             This behavior on sound was detrimental the ecosystem..        So it's not the bots,  it's a insider strategy that is easily abused, that doesn't just benefit the the ones getting high volume, but makes the experience for everyone else feel and look bad....             

Everyone is so passive in this space, these aren't defi trading ponzi's, these are platforms centered around art, that actively market themselves as superior to the web2 experience...         your integrity gotta be on empty if you try and shun the messenger for trying to stick up for the greater good of health of all users....           

I don't even wanna work on music or document art after all this,  so I pivoted and began documenting in detail this whole experience to create and actual documentary.  

No one wants to acknowledge users justified critiques,  but steady reposting untrue glazing statements...        

tisk tisk...           Naurdwuar on the case......  INCOMING

111111 $enjoy
Organic Discovery
Organic Discovery