✦✦✦✦ Size L XL XXL Network Zora
✎ 623 301 140 NEW COMMENTS
on ?
Welp, experiment failed. This platform officially no longer has any meaningful value left to continue documenting & collecting on. GG’s
Media (Video + Thumbnail) metadata updated to match aspect ratio container
too much to say so i guess new album's on the way. Returning to the permanent more cathartic format. behind the scenes of the process (w.i.p.)
testing 1, 2...
on Home
● ▌●
200000 $enjoy

Because I wrote a lot <3
Thank you for being you <3
ThankYou Zora deployed bot wallet, you’re insightful contribution of reading titles & spitting out random words to help create the illusion of actual interest and activity to increase those fake numbers for the next round of of funding is indeed special.
Dutchyyy (Dutchmassive) & Mad Keys
--> dutchyyy.xyz if i vanish
name that waifu.
Web3 Art marketplaces completely cooked
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
小小菊花 可笑可笑
CY THE LEGEND 1111111 $Enjoy
I'm testing something out, If you follow me on Zora and see this post because of this comment, please let me know by either collecting, texting or dming me. M y continued participation on chain will be weighted by this experiment
This is too important to be lost to time, disposable content, attention currency
Please don't let me be lost to time / disposable content
Love often, Thank you again to C.Y. LEE 🫂
this is awesome! keep going and stay heartFULL!
o go make your self loneyly
dear zora
This video was a direct response to @jacob on his tweet about "discovery"...
Paused for motion
Testing Testing 33000 $enjoy
I miss when upon creating/minting, autocollect was a thing. <3
1000000 $enjoy
Peace to Majik Most
fuck this yellow ban
testing 123

444444 $enjoy
Not sure this experiment will be successful haha
feels good to experiment ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ the park is in your heart 777777 $Enjoy
;lost peter pacrk
The Park x Dutchyyy (unreleased)
Testing take two 33 $enjoy
333333 $enjoy

testing 123
Let’s see if zora has more impact than IG 🫂
Name every artifact you see
Nice art! Check my collection, maybe you'll like it? Have a nice day and good luck with your collection)
Here for the passion, here for the music ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 888888 $Enjoy
rest in peace socket <333
higher, tumble down, $higher, tumble down, $higher, $higher... So deep up here.
I miss seeing & feeling 🍂 Autumn
alright lmk if i forgot to mint anytgi
34170 $enjoy
Believe in you ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 888888 $Enjoy
Can I 111111 $enjoy my own art?
:: a portal opens in app, hop thru it?::
I should mint a video showing the contrast of how much reach & love this same video received when posted to instagram verses the “post to earn” ghost town 🫂
want to participate next time 55555 $enjoy
“Yoyoyoyoyoyo” Proof of Super Producer
( ノ ^o^)ノ 100000 $enjoy
Photo Captured 2020, In my old Studio I.E. the 10x12 tomb

Culture Capsule
Video is 9:16 aspect ration on the web version, but somehow ended 1080x1920 on the app cutting off a lot of the video.

Evolving Portals 🌀🧎🏻

Full Collection:

seeing this shit happen in realtime was one of top moments of 2023 for me
Organic Discovery
Organic Discovery
Organic Discovery
Searching for Save Point. Catch you in the future 🫂
You know where to find me. Please reach out & help me understand.
This doesn’t show up in my minted section, doesn’t show up on the feed. Is discovery literally tied comments? Lemme know 🫂
This part really hit for me,

"A song created from a negative place with a negative message equally has the power to seed negativity & in contrast, allow a confused soul to process vicariously & create positive ripples based solely on the impact that song had on them. Art is magic & powerful AF. Knowledge, Culture, Imagination, Empathy, History, Laughter, Relaxation, Love, Hate…. It’s so so powerful. And Art impacts each personal in a unique way."

Grateful for your thoughts and format. 500,000 $enjoy.
Passion or Apathy…

Passion may not scale as quick you’d like or need but sacrificing passion in an attempt to scale Apathy…  

Also doesn’t work.

Synonyms w/ Live Service Games

Passion shows praise & expresses discontent when the game the love breaks things they love after patch updates.    It’s a push & pull but that’s passion and passion equals retention.

Unlike a fully realized and finalized game, Live Service lives and d*es on player retention.

The Live Service Game deathblow is the shareholder roadmap.  Most of the players know the game devs love the game but shareholders & execs control the ship.     This ship seems to travel down the same path.   Pivot to Free to play,  dumb down game to not scare possible new player experience,  making long term player experience miserable.  Slow bleed of passionate dedicated player base,  New players come but don’t stay, Apathetic & unemotionally connected….         Game Studio let’s go of 30% of staff. 

Passionate players remember how their investment of time was tossed away and voices felt unheard.   Never trusts or touches future games by the studio they know makes amazing games cus they know as soon as it begins to pop off,  they won’t be happy with active player base and attempt to scale, repeating the same failed play book.

If we didn’t care, we wouldn’t care so much. Passion might not scale but building for apathy is well….   Raid Shadow Legends… 

Choose Your Adventure.

"You Know where to find me, Whenever you need me" - Crooklyn Dodgers [1994]
👨🏼‍🚀🔫 🥷🏼💬
didn’t realize the utility of the “yyy”. if the bots/copycats come for dutchyyy just add a few more y’s =)
didn’t realize the utility of the “yyy”. if the bots/copycats come for dutchyyy just add a few more y’s =)
Testing Testing 1,2, 3
You are now witnessing one of the most active creators & collectors reach the end of their passion, dedication & consistency.        It was a really simple concept.      I loved it.       But what I love, think, feel or do doesn’t move the needle.       I loved being able to follow specific people & never miss what the post.  I loved the false reality that this tech made sense for high effort, deep intentioned documentation.   

My heart breaks watching the platforms I love, hard pivot to mimic the platforms we tried to escape.  It breaks my heart instead of seeing the peoples original uploads of people I chose to follow,  I’m bombarded by only seeing what’s actively being engaged with….        It breaks my heart I trusted my legacy to places that acted like they cared about my work & story when I remained active during times where there was low activity & then as soon as I passionately gave honest feedback about changes about the platforms I actively & consistently use as a creator and collector.    That support was cut, & now I’m stuck watching the space I thought was on track to bring the magic back to the internet, force feed me low effort, disposable posts in a race to create Instagram 2.0.            I’m heart broken I minted my own work, just so I could leave a comment on it for a better chance for the people who follow me to see it. 

I’m heartbroken no one leaves the feeds to explore previous works, I’m heart broken seeing protocols drop a subpar image that trends with 50k mints when there aren’t 50k people collecting.  

I’m heart broken that being open and honest about what I’m not happy with, will have a greater impact on your perceptions of me over the fact that beyond my passionate words,  I’ve shown up consistently collecting and creating with love and intention to the point I’m ranked in the top 50 

My wittle heart and spirit can’t keep giving and giving  and showing up in places that loudly signal, I don’t belong.      Godspeed w/ mass adoption.       When you trade passion for apathy you end up as the live service game that lost its loyal player base in the quest for new players with no emotional investment or attachment.      

Sincerely, A Token Chat sweat.    Yearning to return to couch co-op & never boot up another live service “game” again. 

🫂 If you can’t grasp why someone is so emotionally invested in the topics that have just been expressed. 

It will all make sense soon. 

When no new context is documented,  the existing documenting context will connect the dots. 

Optimus Prime Lost His Spark in 1987…

love the beat, smooth and chill ✨💜 1111 $Enjoy
This feels so good. Warm, smooth, cooling.

Driving slow through Montreal streets right now, sunroof open, this feels like it’s literally moving the wheels of the car.

Thank you. [ 7777 $enjoy ]
Collected on app.withfam.xyz
The fattest pocket 20000 $enjoy
Literally minting this for using "Jawns" in the bio 🤣