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or am i 11111 $enjoy ing ep 18 ?
safe travels brother
liminal and nostalgic
Minted on The Terminal
Minted on The Terminal
well written and insightful!
Only those who capture the moment are real.
When a social network is programmable, it accelerates innovation.
virtual machine director ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ
usually I wouldn't want to support @woj @martin and @six because of the ongoing bloodfeud thing, but two shoutouts in a single episode means I have a legal obligation
Nice! Lets higher ↑
20000 $enjoy
100000 $ENJOY
50000 $Enjoy
Higher for longer
on flight
on flight
on flight
higher, always higher
Feels similar to the blink method by Gladwell. Use your gut/hunches to guide you, then verify as needed depending on the complexity/risk of the long term decision
Way to be intentional and self-reflective. If meditation isn’t a regular part of your practice, I recommend it as a way to check in and make peace with your body as it is, grateful for what it has provided for you (life, breath, health, passion…) and grateful for what it has carried for you (stress, shame, fear…) and as you develop a stronger relationship with your body, ask “it” (yourself) what it needs to be able to release old things (nutrition, sleep, movement, weight-training, therapy). Good luck in the journey, my friend. You’re stronger than you think you are.
on PFPs
pondering on the ultimate pfp
on PFPs
good thoughts ser
Ⓜ️𝗜𝗡𝗧 ● Also read on Zora. Creativity likes constraints. And this comment, in reference to your writing, will also be seen on Interface, Token Chat, your Zora notifications (talk about a direct line of communication,) and many more places (some yet to be imagined.) 👓 🔵
some friction can yield greatness ;)
if you have one great idea in your life, you should say it a million times in a million different ways
on Points
rainbow sounds cool i will have to check it out
on Points
well said
⌐◨-◨ ⌐◨-◨ ⌐◨-◨
True fan checking in to all versions 🤝 ⌐◨-◨
Going to share something a high profile artist shared with me recently:

How do you define yourself? I've observed that many of life's challenges often stem from the struggle to define oneself or the inability to do so. Perhaps I may be mistaken, but when I engage in self-definition, I find that I also possess the capacity for deep analysis. This analytical process frequently paves the way for discovering solutions and fostering growth."

The timing and content of my conversation with them changed my life, and I am forever grateful for it.
@onnnnnnnion might have some good daily writing tips!
thank you! next up camera/snapkit vibes straight to onchain ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ
new tools —> change of behavior —> new direction

Keep writing. 
People are reading. 
And minting.
 👓 🔵
Seems tailor made for “Screenshot Essays” by @onnnnnnnion.
Ability to add future notes under existing collection did not go unnoticed.
Much will come from this.
👓 🔵
I completely agree. The question then becomes: what tools we should be building next?
similarly this essay is the source of truth for your writing
My favorite part of these networks is that they can be used in ways far beyond what the creator intended. New contexts showing up constantly!

This was an important unfulfilled promise of the web2 API era, but we've finally here.

I wonder if a single edition's network might not carry sufficient context, but a carefully chosen set of editions might be even more powerful (ex: everyone who has collected an audio NFT AND has a zorb).
What are some things that media networks can do for onchain that can’t be easily done offchain?

For whatever reason Movie Studios and Wikipedia come to mind.
on Warps
i really appreciate the current farcaster strategy where both web3 and non-web3 patterns are all being constantly reevaluated.
on Warps
Do the thing.
Mint the thing. 
Get feedback.
👓 🔵
Community stewards ❘ ❙ ❚ ⌐◨-◨ 🟪⬛️ ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ
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